
Showing posts from June, 2019
Lecture 12 Data Products from Indian Satellite Overview ISRO has a vibrant Indian Remote Sensing program since 1988 with a gamut of Indian Remote Sensing Missions (IRS) observing Earth with Optical, microwave and hyper-spectral instruments flown on-board to provide necessary data in various spatial, spectral and temporal resolutions to cater to different user requirements in the country and for global usage.NRSC is the nodal centre for hosting Satellite Data Products from more than 13 IRS satellites right from the first IRS optical mission namely IRS-1A and SAR imaging missions. Satellites are primarily tasked to cover India and surroundings in a programmatic manner or on-demand as required by user as per mission capability. NRSC also acquires and archives data of global regions for disasters, calibrations and specific studies. Near real time data products from IRS weather sensors is delivered for climate and weather models for a global coverage. Georeferenced, Orthokit, Orth
Lecture 11 Global Positioning System (GPS)           GPS is network of satellites (24 total - 21 in use, 3 spares) that continuously transmit coded information, which makes it possible to precisely identify locations on earth by measuring distance from the satellites. GPS provides continuous (round the clock), real time, 3-dimensional positioning, navigation and timing worldwide in any weather condition. It was originally intended for military applications, but in the 19805 it was made available for civilian use. There are no subscription fees or setup charges to use GPS. Any person With a GPS receiver can access the system, and it can be used for any application that requires location coordinates. Components of GPS           The GPS system consists of three segments: 1) the segments: the GPS satellites themselves, 2) the control system, and 3) the user segment, which includes both military and civilian users and their CPS equipment. The space segment is composed of the GPS
Lecture 10 Attribute Data Types for GIS There are two components to GIS data: spatial information (coordinate and projection information for spatial features) and attribute data.  Attribute data is information appended in tabular format to spatial features.  The spatial data is the where and attribute data can contain information about the what, where, and why.  Attribute data provides characteristics about spatial data. Types of Attribute Data Attribute data can be store as one of five different field types in a table or database: character, integer, floating, date, and BLOB. Character Data The character property (or string) is for text based values such as the name of a street or descriptive values such as the condition of a street.  Character attribute data is stored as a series of alphanumeric symbols. Aside from descriptors, character fields can contain other attribute values such as categories and ranks.  For example, a character field may contain the categories for
Lecture 9 Components of GIS data output functions Geographic Information System Five Components. 1.      Hardware: 2.      Software: 3.      Data: 4.      People: 5.      Methods :   Figure: How GIS Components integrate with each other   Hardware: Hardware is Computer on which GIS software runs. Nowadays there are a different range of computer, it might be Desktop or server based. ArcGIS Server is server based computer where GIS software runs on network computer or cloud based. For computer to perform well all hardware component must have high capacity. Some of the hardware components are: Motherboard, Hard driver, processor, graphics card, printer and so on. These all component function together to run a GIS software smoothly. Main Hardware Components: 1.      Motherboard: It is board where major hardware parts are installed or It is a place where all components gets hooked up. 2.      Hard Drive: It is also called hard disk,  place to store data. 3